•• Audio Window: The audio preferences can be set through this window. These preferences are what sound to be played and at which time. User can set the sound play back to take place Always and/or only when the screen saver has been activated. User can select the sound they wish Comatose to use for playback from the scrollable list. Focus Comatose is shipped with a default sound. This default sound (Ocean...) is selected by default. User can add additional sound to the playback list in two ways. First, using the built-in record capability of the Comatose user can record their favorite music by using the Mac's microphone. Secondly, user can download a sound file in AIFF format from elsewhere and place it in the Folder "Focus Comatose Files" which Comatose places in the system folder. Currently, Comatose supports its own and AIFF file formats only. To the left of the playback sound list are four buttons which can be used to Play, Stop, Delete, and Record sounds.